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"Laceratus"  -- Darth Maul Epic Reveal Custom

Build Log of converting a rare Larbel non-EL Obi Wan hilt to feature a CFv6.5 and full length half saber Epic Reveal


​Hilt: Sith Planet/Korbanth, heavily modified with scratch-built accurate emitters, fins, and buttons

Soundboard: 1x Crystal Focus v6.5

Main LEDs: Two Tri-Rebel RRG (Red main blade and Yellow flash on clash)

Accent LEDs: White Status in switch, red primary crystal, red/orange/yellow in crystal chamber

Power: 7.4v 14650 Li-ion battery, 2.1mm recharge port, R.I.C.E. port

Other: Two 1" x 31"  blades, Tri-Rebel Lenses, 1x 2W bass speaker

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